Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Luther’s Change of Mind Essay

This paper argues that Martin Luther (1483-1546) changed his mind about the Jews, shifting from a friendly to a hostile position, because of mental anxieties, his constant health problems, old age, and disappointment that Jews were not converting to Christianity. Luther was dissatisfied that Jews did not accept Jesus Christ, although his criticisms of the Jews were theological; not racial. The argument that a direct line can be drawn from Luther to Hitler and that Luther shares blame for the Holocaust, is rejected. This does not imply that Luther’s hostility towards Jews did not influence Hitler’s ideas and policies but rejects the attribution of Hitler’s â€Å"final solution† to Luther. In his first extended text on Jews, Luther wrote â€Å"If we really want to help† Jews, â€Å"we must be guided in our dealings with them not by papal law but by the law of Christian love†. Sources and Outline of Argument The primary sources for Luther’s views of Jews and of Judaism are his writing. He wrote â€Å"That Jesus was Born a Jew† in 1523, which represents his early, friendly attitude. He wrote his negative, hostile tract, â€Å"On the Jews and their Lies† in 1543. His last sermon, preached at Eisleben a few days before his death was â€Å"against the Jews†, and can be taken as representing his final position. These writings need to be placed in the context of Luther’s biography and of historical circumstance. In order to contextualize these primary sources, secondary sources are consulted. These include Heiko Augustinus Oberman’s Luther: Man between God and the Devil (1989) and Derek A Wilson’s Out of the Storm: The Life and Legacy of Martin Luther (2008). The essay begins with the content and context of Luther’s writing on Jews against the background of older Christian attitudes, against which Luther initially reacted. Luther’s initial position, his final position and the reason for his change of mind are identified. The essay then discusses the charge that Luther should have been tried alongside perpetrators of the Holocaust at the Nuremberg Trials, where defendant and former Nazi propagandist, Julius Streicher (1885-1946 ) said: Anti-Semitic publications have existed in Germany for centuries. A book I had, written by Dr. Martin Luther, was, for instance, confiscated. Dr. Martin Luther would very probably sit in my place in the defendants’ dock today, if this book had been taken into consideration by the Prosecution. In this book The Jews and Their Lies, Dr. Martin Luther writes that the Jews are a serpent’s brood and one should burn down their synagogues and destroy them†¦ The conclusion argues that although Luther’s position did change, the claim that he shares responsibility for the Holocaust fails. Hitler and his supporters manipulated Luther for their own purposes, while a fundamental difference separates him from them. Luther, it is true, supported the deportation of Jews and the destruction of Jewish property but not their extermination. Analysis of Luther’s Initial Position Luther led the Protestant Reformation when he posted his â€Å"95 Thesis† to the door of the Cathedral at Wittenberg, where he was an Augustinian priest and University teacher. Luther saw his Reformation as a breath of fresh air blowing through the Church, sweeping aside false doctrines and corrupt practices that obscured the real Christian gospel. Justification before God was by faith in Jesus Christ and was freely available, not a commodity that the Pope could sell. His translation of the Bible and the hymns he wrote for congregational singing were all intended to make Christianity directly accessible to ordinary believers, who did not have to depend on the mediation of priests any more. People could enjoy direct fellowship with God. Luther set out to challenge many commonly accepted notions about the Christian faith. Aware of a long history of Christian animosity toward Jews and Judaism, Luther reminded Christians that the own Bible had been written by Jews and that Jesus was himself Jewish, a fact often overlooked or even deliberately ignored in much Christian thought. In advocating kinder treatment of Jews, his hope was that this would result in their conversion. This distinguished Luther’s attitude toward Jews from what has been described as the traditional â€Å"teaching of contempt†, a term coined by Jules Isaac (1877-1963), a friend of Pope John XXIII. The teaching of contempt blamed Jews for murdering â€Å"God† (the charge of deicide), taught that having rejected and killed Jesus Jews’ were no longer God’s people but served the Devil, they were denied rights of citizenship, banned from most professions, banned from living wherever they wished to while travel restrictions and a dress code were also imposed on them. All of this consisted of papal decrees as well as national and city level legal codes. God had condemned the Jews to wonder the earth as a lesson to others of what happens when a people turn their back on God. Enforced conversions, deportation, pogroms were all justified by the teaching of contempt. Jews were accused of concealing the truth within their texts, so the Talmud was sometimes destroyed. Anti-Semitism, however, started before the birth of Christianity. Paul Johnson describes Greek animosity towards Jews and their religion, citing several sources. These include Appollinius Molon, Posidonius, Democritus and Plutarch all of whom wrote anti-Jewish polemic. The Jewish race had been cursed from the beginning of time. Jews sacrificed asses’ heads in their temple as well as secret human sacrifices, which explained why no outsider could enter the inner-most chambers. Jews were regarded as haters or despisers of the human race because they kept themselves apart, did not inter-marry and refused to recognize the Gods and goddesses of the ancient world. Although Rome extended certain exemptions to the Jews, the Romans increasingly regarded Jews as problematic as revolt followed revolt until eventually all exemptions were overturned and Jews were banned from residing in Palestine following the revolt of 132. Christian anti-Semitism picked up on many of the same polemic, accusing Jews of stealing Christian boys at Passover and sacrificing them, the â€Å"blood-libel† which surfaced first in England in 1144. Efforts were made to convert Jews and those who did convert were usually assimilated into the wider society, although some were accused of remaining secretly Jewish. In 1519, Luther opposed a â€Å"purge† by a former Jew, Johann Pfefferkorn (1469-1523) who wanted to burn Jewish books. Then, in his 1523 pamphlet, he advocated kindness and love toward Jews. What happened to harden Luther’s heart and to change his mind so that he later supported book-burning and other anti-Jewish measures? Luther’s Change of Mind and End Position Luther’s life has been described as a constant struggle between God and Satan. Jesus and God and the possibility of forgiveness for all people who turn in repentance to God were real to him but so was Satan and Satan’s opposition to God and to the Christian religion. â€Å"Chaos† he believed â€Å"resulted when Satan triumphed. † It was fear that social catastrophe would result from the Peasants’ Revolt of 1525. The Peasants had expected Luther to support them, since his Reformation had given ordinary Christians much more control over their own faith. However, Luther sided with the princes and denounced the rebellion as â€Å"an offence against God† and the work of Satan: â€Å"the fire of revolt was spreading, and if not checked would have widespread, disastrous results. † As Luther grew older and inc increasingly ill, he became more and more aware that the battle between good and evil, God and Satan was far from over. He began to see the Devil everywhere, says Poliakov. Luther wanted to reform the Church, not create a schism and grew increasingly annoyed that the pope refused to call a council to consider his proposals, saying in 1535 that he would attend a council even knowing that he might be â€Å"burned†. When a council was indefinitely postponed in 1539, Luther became somewhat embittered. Luther’s language could be intemparate, even crude. He was a man of fierce passion as well as of profound faith. The older he grew, the more willing he became to see Satan’s hand behind anything that hindered the Reformation’s progress. In 1536, as the possibility of a reforming council receded, the Elector of Saxony was preparing to expel all Jews from his realm. This had the sanction of the Church and was no â€Å"bolt out of the blue†. Thinking that an appeal to Luther for clemency might prevent this, the Jewish leader, Josel von Rosheim (1480-1554) approached him, supposing him to be a â€Å"friend of the Jews. † Not only did Luther refuse to intervene but reversed his earlier position, publishing On the Jews and their Lies. If he had power, he wrote, he would â€Å"set fire to† synagogues and â€Å"schools† then â€Å"bury with dirt whatever† did not burn. Jews were to be expelled unless they converted. Their â€Å"ill-gotten† gains should be confiscated. All this was to be done so that â€Å"God may see that we are Christian. † In his final sermon, he described Jews as â€Å"public enemies† yet he still expressed his love for them. His tactics towards them not his estimate of their worth in God’s sight had changed. He never supported murdering Jews. What he wrote drew heavily, too, on existing anti-Jewish polemic. He was deeply disappointed that Jews were not converting. Why Luther cannot be blamed for Hitler’s â€Å"final solution† Luther’s tracts were reprinted during the Third Reich. Hitler described Luther as a German Hero. In the wake of how the Third Reich used Luther to justify their crimes, the â€Å"whole world capitalized upon Luther, the fierce Jew-baiter. † However, no action Luther proposed was not already Church and state policy and what Luther advocated â€Å"was very far from being a final solution. † Oberman points out that German Jews were among the most assimilated community when Hitler rose to power, suggesting that this makes the idea that an â€Å"unbroken line† exists between Luther and Hitler implausible. Hitler recruited Luther’s legacy but manipulated this for his own purposes. It was no â€Å"coincidence† that Kristallacht took place on Luther’s birthday, November 11, 1938 but â€Å"this was sheer opportunism, backed by a perversion of scholarship. † Luther ended up supporting deportation but only of Jews who refused to convert: Hitler set out to exterminate a whole race, including Jews who were Christian. Luther did not hate the Jewish race. He wanted them to become Christians. There is, says Wilson, no â€Å"well beaten path that can be traveled from Wittenberg to Auschwitz. † He suggests that Luther would have opposed Hitler’s dictatorship. It is, however, true that no other pamphlet than â€Å"On the Jews and their Lies† has caused â€Å"more harm to Luther’s reputation†, says Wilson. Nonetheless, the view that Luther was an ally of the Nazis â€Å"in carrying out their Final Solution† does not withstand critical scrutiny of what Luther actually wrote. References Bennett, Clinton. In Search of Jesus (London & NY: Continuum, 2001). Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf. Translated by Ralph Manheim. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, Sentry Edition, 1971) Goring, H. Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946 ( Nuremberg, Germany: International Military Tribue, 1947).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Counselling: Learning and Active Listening

Counselling is to help the client to open up about there feeling inside and thoughts when the client has no one to talk to and is in need to talk to someone. Core counselling skills are†¦ Paraphrasing Reflecting Summarising Focussing Active listening Empathy SOLERParaphrasing is focusing on the main facts.Reflecting and paraphrasing are similar it’s reporting back to the client what’s been said it is a way of indicating that we are listening, Reflecting refers to the skill of communication. Summerising, summerising is the process of trying to put everything what’s been said during the session. Focusing, focusing is important because it shows the client that you’re showing an interest on what’s been said. Active listening, active listening is important because you’re listening to the client and the client knows your showing an interest. As a councillor it’s important to listen and give full attention to the client. Empathy, empathy SOLER. S: square, sit facing opposite the client O: open in your posture (not closing yourself such as folding arms and legs) L: leaning forward E: eye contact R: relaxed (don’t fidget)Its important to have SOLER as a skill because it makes the client feel comfortable and the client knows that there being herd also there’s know the councillor is showing an interest and there feel more comfortable while using this skill.Counselling skills and attitudes Being a good listener, so the client knows there being herd Having patience with your self by not getting irritated.Good body language to the show the client you are active listening and paying attention on what’s been said. Good communication by not interrupting and by reflecting the client’s point of view without being judgemental. Showing empathy is to show the client that someone understands her giving the client closure. Being genuine to show the client that you’re being real and not putting ac a ct on.What counselling skills are not Advising the client Being judgemental Caring in a particular way Befriending Treating or healing someone like a doctor Instructing or teaching Giving guidance

Monday, July 29, 2019

Getting casual at work

Title: Acquiring CASUAL AT WORK1. AbstractThis paper seeks to set up the effects and deductions of acquiring insouciant within the work environment of Bank of America. The Bank of America being the largest bank ( by assets ) , it is known for its high degrees of professionalism and its workers ‘ formal frock codification. This paper will therefore discourse the bank ‘s service bringing to its clients while at the same clip foregrounding the facets of effects of possible causal attacks that may be employed by the bank employees in dispatching their responsibilities. This treatment will be done consistently with particular accent on different subdivisions that will consist of a tabular array of content, debut, literature reappraisal, method of analysis, consequences of analysis, the decisions and recommendations made, a list of the mentions used in the aggregation of the information and eventually a list appendices demoing the extra stuff used in this treatment.2. Introduct ionThe Bank of America Corporation is based in Charlotte which is in North Carolina, it is considered to be one of the largest fiscal establishments that offer fiscal services, it is besides considered to be the largest bank in the assets class ( it ahs the highest plus value ) .The bank is besides the largest commercial bank by sedimentations. It is besides ranked as the 2nd largest bank on the footing of market capitalisation in the United States. The bank ( company ) is known to keep about 12.2 % of the entire U.S sedimentations. It besides holds the figure one place of subventioning the planetary high output debt, it is considered to be the 3rd largest investment banker of planetary equity. The Bank plays a really of import and critical function as an advisor to the planetary amalgamations and acquisition ( it is hence placed at the 9th place as an advisor on planetary amalgamations and acquisitions. The entire Numberss of clients served by the Bank of America originate from more than 150 states from across the universe. It has the highest per centum of relation with the U.S Fortune 500 companies ( this per centum stands at 99 % ) .Its relation with the luck Global 500 bases at 83 % ( of these companies ) .The bank is a really of import constituent of the Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) and besides an influential member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) .The bank demonstrated its ability to endure the 2007 recognition crisis and emerged as the healthiest fiscal establishment during that period. It subsequently plunged in market value after incurring heavy losingss as a consequence of buying the Merrill Lynch. The 2009 first one-fourth net incomes were valued at 4.2 billion with 3.7 billion holding originated from the Merrill Lynch.Professional frock.Before prosecuting in an enlightening treatment on the possible impacts of insouciant dressing at the work topographic point or any other associated facets of insouciant attitude in the work environment, it is of import to understand the construct of professional dressing and its significance in the professional universe of concern. Professional dressing has a batch of significance particularly in the Financial sector ( which the Bank of America is portion of ) .There is great significance that is attached to the colour of the professional frock, this is mostly due to the different significances expressed by the different type of colours.For illustration, deep and dark colourss are associated with wealth.Nuetral and the basic colourss are most appropriate for concern garb. In the Bank of America most senior directors frock in Dark colored suits which is a symbol of authorization, the dark colourss besides symbolize power. Blue is a colour that conveys self-respect. Green has been labeled as a really inappropriate colour for a male suit ; this is because it is a common colour for many hotel uniforms has can non populate up to the position demanded by the professional universe. Gray is a common colour that represents success and trustiness. The female employees have realized that the black colour is an of import and is able to complement many of their professional frocks. They hence need to take their apparels carefully based on solid colourss that can easy intermix with every bit many colourss as possible. Female employees can ever soften the basic colourss for their professional frocks like brown and black by adding gem tones, these normally demonstrates their assurance and energy, which is much needed by clients they serve in the professional environment of Bank of America. The corporate and professional criterions must be respected during the choice of the Professional frocks ; the colour of these frocks is a cardinal factor to doing a good a choice. The type of cloth is besides a factor in the choice procedure merely because it is symbolic ( For illustration the natural fibres like linen, wool, cotton and silk are a symbol of position. The most preferable type of cloth for both male and female employees in the Bank include 100 % pure wool. It is the most appropriate cloth for the professional frocks, followed by cotton. The likes of suede, leather, velvet and satin are cloths that are inappropriate for professional frocks. There have been different readings for the significance of professional dressing in America ( different provinces have their readings, for illustration the Texas and some Western provinces believe that a concern adult male can have on polished cowpuncher boots and their concern suits and remain professional ) .Florida and California has a more insouciant dressing standard compared to New York. There are States that have remained really conservative with their dressing manner ( intending they tend to dress professionally more frequently than non ) these provinces include D.C, Atlanta, Boston, and Chicago ) .It is common cognition that professional dressing has its of import significance, in the sense that it builds assurance of the employees and besides helps to construct a professional environment within the Bank environment which is a asset to the image of the Bank of America. It necessary that the clients or the Bank clients invariably feel that they are covering with professionals who will at all tomes give them professional advice to assist them protect the investings and besides give them sound fiscal advice. It is interesting that professional dressing helps to construct this environment. A good professional image for the male employees within the bank is to guarantee that they wear good quality suits that are solid and have dark colourss. These suits should be complimented with good quality ties. They need to keep a conservative manner of dressing, merely because Bank of America as explained in this debut is an international bank and has clients all over the universe and hence employees within the American Branch have a high potency of functioning clients from all over the universe and must stay professional if they are to manage such clients who invariably need confidence that the bank is professional and has safely kept their sedimentations.Casual dressing at workThe major possible causes of the emerging tendency of the insouciant dressing tendency in the fiscal sector with specific involvement in the Bank of America include ; the demand to return to a province of elegance as a new at tack of showing professionalism and decelerate but progressive alteration from the formal frock codification. This paper will therefore will turn to the history or beginning of the insouciant dressing and its possible effects within the Bank of America. Some of the insouciant dressing tendencies besides adopted by other banking establishments or concerns include the insouciant Fridays and the dress-down yearss.3. LITERATURE REVIEWBackground/historyThis subdivision of the paper will concentrate on the corporate history of the bank in an effort to follow the grounds for the Bank ‘s dress codification policy in relation to the type of clients or clients that they serve. It must be noted that the term ‘getting insouciant at work ‘ does non specifically refer to the dressing codification but can be loosely discussed in the context of the employee behaviour within the bank ; this behaviour could besides be referred to as being informal be it in the hierarchical degree or towards the bringing of services to clients. The Bank of America does non truly hold an highly rigorous type of frock codification but insists on smart concern insouciant or any other dressing manner that excludes jeans-shirts or in appropriate dressing, suits are non really common within the Bank ( this is with mention to the junior employees who are non portion of the direction squad ) . There are different types of insouciant dressing which include: Smart insouciant, Business Casual and athleticss wear. The most normally used insouciant dressing manner is the concern insouciant followed by the smart casual.Definition of the insouciant wearsSmart casual: This type of froc k codification is slackly defined and is really distinguishable compared to the concern casual. The lone challenge is that its definition is non really precise and many confuse the term smart insouciant with the term concern insouciant, this definition of smart insouciant contains dress pants even though other definitions include jean pants. It besides includes long sleeve frock shirt, idlers, tie ( is optional ) , a belt, a athletics coat. For female employees this could intend a skirt ( either long or short ) , a stylish belt, a jacket, a jumper that complements the frock that the employee has worn. The adult females are free to have on jewellery that regards there type of dressing. It must be noted that this type of dressing is largely appropriate in academic circles that majorly involves events where the said expert or professional speaks in forepart of an audience during talks.Business casualThis is a frock codification that emerged in many white neckband occupations in a figure of western states ; this tendency emerged in the early 1970 when there was the energy crisis. During this period the authorities had decided to raise the thermoregulator puting which so led to many directors authorising their employees to make manner with ties and jackets. The popularity of the concern casual had surpassed the concern formal garb wear. There are different definitions with respect to the concern insouciant wear, intending there is no by and large accepted definition for this sort of wear, every organisation defines this type of wear harmonizing to their reading which is majorly structured to accommodate the aims or the involvement of the organisation. A definition give n by the New York Times cites occupation hunt engine states that a concern insouciant wear means dressing professionally and looking neat while at the same clip staying pulled together. Business insouciant for female employees comprises of a skirt of sensible length or even full length bloomerss of non denims stuff. This can be complimented with a top. The concern insouciant wear for work forces is considered as a combination of a collard shirt, belt and places ( e.g. idlers ) with socks. The cervix ties and cufflinks are by and large non recommended for concern insouciant wear.A brief corporate history of the Bank of AmericaAmadeo Giannini founded the Bank of Italy in the twelvemonth 1904 in San Francisco. The chief map of this bank was to provide to immigrants. Amadeo was brought up by the Fava household ; this happened after his lost his male parent, who was shot seeking to roll up a debt. Opportunity knocked at Amedeo ‘s door measure when the San Francisco temblor struck in the twelvemonth 1906.He was able to deliver all his financess from the bank ‘s edifice which was ruined. He so used the reclaimed financess to loan out to persons who were willing to reconstruct. He got his lucks in the ulterior twelvemonth after all his debitors paid up their loans. He used his money to get down the bank of America and Italy in the twelvemonth 1922 ( this was in Italy where he had bought Banca dell'Italia Meridionale which had been established in the twelvemonth 1918 ) .In the twelvemonth 1927 Amadeo consolidated his Bank of Italy which already had 101 subdivisions with the Liberty bank of America which had 175 subdivisions. This resulted into the Bank of Italy National Trust & A ; Savings Association which had a capital of $ 30,000,000 and had resources deserving $ 115,000,000.It was subsequently in 1928 that he merged with Bank of America Los Angeles, he subsequently renamed his Bank of Italy to Bank of America in the twelvemonth 1930.The Merger was completed in the twelvemonth 1929 and resulted into BANK OF AMERICA.The function played by the ClothingThere is great importance pegged to the dressing manner in the corporate universe and this includes the Bank of America. It is common for executives within the bank to be associated with Business suits which normally symbolize the executive position. This merely means that the dressing styles acts as a codification of distinguishing the employees within the bank. In instances where the corporate organic structure has a corporate uniform, there is increased easiness of employee designation by the clients ( this greatly helps to advance the corporate image ) .Since there is ne'er a 2nd opportunity to do a permanent feeling to the clients, it is of import for the employees to recognize that the appropriate vesture for a given function within the bank can assist better the image of that employee within that function or even potentially help the employee win other functions within the bank. There is an interesting fact about vesture and the function it plays in puting persons within a given societal order. It is undeniable that there are different societal orders that exist within the Bank of America, and these societal orders are characterized by the dressing manners that are adopted by the employees ( this normally happens whether they are cognizant or non ) .It is advisable for the employees to place the type of function that they want to play and so dress the portion. Status is another function played by the type of vesture chosen by a bank employee. A museum specializer called Barbara Dickstein argued that vesture was the major thing that represented an single as opposed to the jewellery they might have. Wallach besides stated in the twelvemonth 1991 that vesture was a manner of saying the position, the function of an person in life and his societal place.Role of vesture ( illustrations ) . Blue velvet represented or symbolized the Gallic aristocracies ( this was in the 17th century ) .The European tribunal functionaries in the past wore apparels that were royal blue and purple in colour. In Germany, vesture that were red in colour were merely designated to the members of the upper category. The ‘casual revolution ‘ begun in the twelvemonth 1990, it was noted that during this period many employees including the company Managers were easy following this emerging tendency of insouciant wear. Apart from bank of America the tendency was mostly noticeable in downtown fiscal territories, concerns and corporate suites in America. The feature of the tendency is that employees would be casually dressed but look really presentable at the same clip. As mentioned in the debut there are different types of insouciant wear, the most common being the concern wear ( It is a really interesting dressing manner in the sense that it allows the employee to experience comfy piece at the same keeping his or her professional image ( illustrations include cotton shins, jumpers, and khaki bloomerss. Care must be taken during the choice of the insouciant wear, merely because some of them are in appropriate for an office environment. Many employees have ignored the fact that insouciant does non connote that one should dress in a sloppy mode, illustrations of inappropriate insouciant wear include sleeveless shirts, armored combat vehicle tops and athleticss wear. It is appropriate for the female employees to avoid apparels that are uncovering as these autumn under inappropriate dressing. The chief ground given by many accounting houses like Delloite and Touche and KPMG is that the insouciant wears affect the professional image of these professional companies that are ever expected by their clients to keep a corporate and professional image. John Molloy who authored the book ‘Dress for Success ‘ mentioned in his book that ‘Rulers of the Corporate and Political America wear suits-always have and ever will, ‘ There are some big American companies that have besides embraced the construct of insouciant dressing, illustrations of these companies include General motors and the Ford ( they have come up with insouciant frock policies that cover the full hebdomad as shown by Rothenberg, 1995.Another noteworthy illustration is the Chrysler auto company, where the employees at the central offices are to dress as they please, twice in a hebdomad, there is a possibility of this tendency wholly taking over the dressing policy of the company. The client outlook is an indispensable factor when it comes to taking the most appropriate type of dressing. The direction squad of the Bank of America strongly believes that the frock codification could impact the perceptual experience of the clients towards the company e.g. inappropriate or unprofessional dressing severely dents the professional image of the company. The Human Resource Manager of Price Water House Coopers ( Pat Cooper believes that â€Å"Appro priate frock reflects good judgement and clients experience person who has good judgement will give good advise† ( Walker, 1993 ) .There is demand for clear frock policy within the bank to help with the definition of the insouciant wear that is acceptable to the clients and the bank finally.The different beginnings of insouciant dressingThe current tendency of insouciant wear within the Bank can non be traced to one peculiar beginning but can be attributed to the classless motion in the concern and industrial environment in the early 1980.This besides brought with it the thought of authorization and teamwork which aimed at cut downing the differentiations that resulted from category. The frock codifications are greatly influenced by the client and employee demands. The bank merely recommends really insouciant dressing for those events that are considered charitable.Consequences of Casual wearPositive effectsThis subdivision of the paper will research the different facets of in souciant wear with regard to their impact on employee behaviour towards clients and even the Bank direction squad. It can be argued that appropriate insouciant dressing brings with it positive effects. These positive effects benefit both the employer and the employee. If the direction squad of Bank of America would dress more casually so they would be more comfy and hence expression accessible to the other employees and this could in a great manner encouragement interaction with the direction squad which could ensue into sharing of thoughts that would otherwise non be shared.There is a turning popular realisation that companies can vastly derive from more comfy and flexible employees, it is an interesting fact that insouciant wear normally creates a more relaxed environment therefore doing the employees to hold sense of freedom. If this sort of environment was enhanced through positive control, so the productiveness degree of employees within the Bank of America can be improved grea tly. The insouciant ware besides has its secondary impact in the vesture industry. The emerging tendency of insouciant wear has led to an increased gross revenues volume for many insouciant wear clothing houses ; hence they have experienced positive growing in footings of net income borders. The manner houses have besides engaged in extended runs to promote the houses to follow the insouciant wear for their employees. Departmental shops like Jacobson ‘s have realized that they can advance the tendency and in bend boost their gross revenues volume in the long tally. They have opted to taking the run to the door stairss of these fiscal establishments or Banking corporations by giving them free seminars on the type of insouciant dressing that can be adopted.Negative impacts of insouciant dressingIt is undeniable that the concern insouciant wear and many other types of insouciant wear which were popular in the early 1990 have sent daze industry across the fiscal establishments that had adopted them. The focal point of this paper will be on the negative impacts of this insouciant on the Bank of America. The treatment will therefore gaining control both facets of the term of ‘getting insouciant at work ‘ . The facets in this instance will mention to the concern insouciant frocks used by the employees and the insouciant attitude adopted by the employees towards dispatching their responsibilities. The current statistics show that this once popular tendency is on the diminution after the Bank realized that this peculiar type of dressing was projecting an image that was perceived by the Bank clients as unprofessional therefore gnawing the assurance of the clients in the bank. The issue that alarmed the Bank is the statistics that showed that employees who dressed more casually at work tended to be more insouciant at the topographic point of work in the sense that they discharged their responsibilities more casually. This meant serious deductions for the Bank. The insouciant garb was the largest subscriber to the damaging of the corporate image, it besides led to insouciant interaction among the employees for illustration it encouraged slacking off in the work productiveness. The employees tended to jest more often, engage in non productive treatments through remarks that encouraged coquettish behavior therefore making an environment that could promote sexual torment within the work topographic point. This straight meant that the bank could potentially lose skilled employees through tribunal instances and tribunal punishments. It besides posed the hazard of dragging the Bank ‘s image into these tribunal instances ( this could dent the Bankss image ) .It besides led to the loss of manpower hours. Evidence from a study conducted by a jurisprudence house farther supports this fact. There study which was conducted in 1,000 companies revealed that 50 % of these companies had noticed an addition in absenteeism and tardiness after implementing a insouciant frock policy.30 % of these companies besides realized that coquettish behaviour had risen. Another challenge that faced the insouciant frock was the fact that there was no clear definition of what insouciant concern garb should imply. Many employees interpreted the insouciant wear as what they normally put on at place ( some even walked around in the office without places. This had the potency of doing the work environment non contributing. Molloy ‘s research showed that adult females who were seeking to acquire in front in the corporate universe found it increasing disputing to be taken earnestly when they were casually dressed. The concern insouciant wear in the bank sent a strong subtextual message to the clients who interpreted the message to intend that the Bank employees were traveling to manage their fiscal demands including their difficult earned moneys in a really insouciant mode. This signal sent to the clients was non the message the Bank would at any one point want to direct to its clients and clients, therefore insouciant wear sends a contrary message to what the bank wishes to direct to its clients and clients. A critical reappraisal of the insouciant dressing policy reveals that the policy has more disadvantages than the advantages the Bank would desire to accomplish at the terminal of the twenty-four hours. Hence the Bank has become really disbelieving of the proposed advantages the concern insouciant wear would convey to the Bank environment. The bank bases its statement on the far making effects the insouciant wear would hold on its clients who are the Banks figure one precedence.4. METHODS OF ANALYSISThe following techniques were used in the analysis of informations and information that was collected in this research paper: Case survey, this involved conducting enquiries in order to look into the phenomenon of ‘getting insouciant at work Ã¢â‚¬Ë œ within its existent life context, this was done on intent because the boundary between the phenomenon and the context was non really apparent. It involved the extended usage of qualitative informations that was drawn from interviews and observations. It hence was used to pull a clear apprehension of the construct of acquiring insouciant at work. It involved the scrutiny of studies that were conducted in companies that had the insouciant wear policies and its chief focal point was on the Bank of America. The 2nd technique used was the Experimental Design, which is an fact-finding technique that provided maximal control. It enabled the relationship between the insouciant attitude and dressing at the work topographic point and its possible impacts to the Bank of America in footings of employee productiveness and client relation, to be isolated and so step accurately in a carefully controlled experimental environment ( where there is the experiment and the control )Methods of roll upi ng DataThe type of informations that was collected in this instance was qualitative informations which was structured ; this sort of information was produced through closed inquiries. This involved the usage of questionnaires, which made the procedure of informations analysis easier and more efficient. The questionnaires were administered to the employees, clients, and even directors of the Bank of America. It of import to observe that the questionnaires can merely let the prescribe inquiries and restricted responses. The design of the questionnaire was mostly influenced by the type of informations analysis. Interviews were besides used to roll up the information, in this peculiar instance the structured interview attack was used to acquire information straight from the bank employees, clients and directors.Consequences of AnalysisThese will presented through the usage of charts and graphical tabular arraies5. Decision AND RECOMMENDATIONSThis paper has demonstrated that ‘getti ng insouciant at work ‘ poses a possible menace to the image of the Bank of America and can therefore the insouciant wear can non be adopted as a possible frock codification for the bank, this is mostly due to the fact that the disadvantages the insouciant wear holds outweighs the advantages of this construct of ‘getting insouciant at work ‘ . It is of import for the bank employees to keep a professional image by keeping or seting on professionally recognized frocks. The female employee can dress in the upper category type of concern wear that are largely of natural fibres and respect cultural criterions.6. ReferenceButton, G. ( 1995, November 6 ) . No bathrobes, please. FORBES, 130. Davies, R. ( 1992, September ) . Pull offing by listening. Nation ‘s Business, 6. Himelstein, L. ( 1996, April 1 ) . Levi ‘s vs. the frock codification Business Week, 57. Rothenberg, A. ( 1995, June ) . What to have on? Ward ‘s Auto World, 32-33.7. Appendixs

How important is salary and benefits to fresh graduates when accepting Case Study

How important is salary and benefits to fresh graduates when accepting their first job offer - Case Study Example People with a normal degree and master degrees are normally included in the graduates list. Upcoming generation is keen in improving their living standards as much as possible. For many of the upcoming graduates, the major aim of education is for getting a decent job or profession. The life expenses are increasing day by day and only the educated people are getting good salaries and profession. In the case of U.K., graduates struggle a lot in finding decent jobs at present because of the unhealthy economic growth. It should be noted that UK is one country which suffered a lot as a result of the recent recession problems. Even though many of the recession hit economies including America shows signs of a revival, UK’s economic growth is still inadequate considering the economic growth in some other countries like India and China. Inman (2009) mentioned that ‘the unemployment in UK may cross more than 3 million in near future itself as Britains manufacturers, retailers and service industries feel the full effects of the downturn†. Thousands of employees working in UK’s private and public sectors have either lost their jobs or faced salary cuts in recent times because of the recession problems. For example, Tesco, one of the biggest retailers in UK, have planned to terminate the employment of 5000 of its workers. Many other retailers also followed the path of Tesco. â€Å"The retail sector recruited around 236000 employees between the years 1999 and 2003; and retail employment had reached a little over 3 million by the summer of 2003. However, between 2004 and 2007, they started exhibiting negative results, with stagnant employment of three million employees, till 2008† (Macneil & O’Brien, 2010, p. 88). From the above statistics, it is evident that the graduates in UK are currently struggling a lot in finding a decent job. It is very much important for the fresh graduates to get a decent salary and benefits when they

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Management -----motivation and leadership for one of the Essay

Business Management -----motivation and leadership for one of the campany - Essay Example But McDonald’s sustained itself because of its willingness to innovate and its efforts to attain consistency in the operations of its many outlets. McDonalds business model has been largely responsible for its success. But there is no doubt that its leadership style and its endeavor to identify and develop leadership competencies has equally helped it to achieve success around the world. At McDonald’s maximizing business performance, coaching and communication, improving the performance of teams are the key leadership competencies. The leadership style is a mix of leadership styles with a mix of components of hard skills such as maximizing business performance and soft skills such as coaching and communication that are soft skills. The company is aware that leadership skills must change with changing business circumstances. Hence the management is constantly surveying the external and internal business environment to ensure that the company’s leadership style reflects the current business needs and environment. The philosophy practiced at McDonald’s is to select the most successful features of established leadership and management styles and incorporate them into their business model. This approach seems to have worked when you consider McDonald’s success around the world. The management style has aspects of various management and leadership styles amalgamated into one approach for leading and motivating the organisation. Its approach has features taken from management styles outlined by Maslow, Taylor and Herzberg and the Democratic style of leadership. McDonald’s business model is represented by the â€Å"three-legged stool†. The success of the company is because of the strong alignment forged between the Company, its employees and its franchisees that own and operate the majority of the Company’s restaurants and suppliers who provide the food and packaging. This model focuses on open relationships between the three. The company

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Global Convergence and Divergence Research Paper

Global Convergence and Divergence - Research Paper Example The phenomenon of globalization is the inter-connectedness among the various nations of the world on the basis of economic ties, and this has produced convergence or unity and integration of different world systems. According to Thomas Friedman, globalization is the â€Å"inexorable integration of markets, nation-states, and technologies†¦..the spread of free-market capitalism to virtually every country in the world.† McMichael sees the process of global integration taking place on the basis of â€Å"market rule on a global scale†. This process of integration may be producing a global convergence of different organizational systems. Ugeux defines convergence as the manner in which a series of actions are driven towards a central point of reference – a process resulting in a move towards a common set of principles and objectives. Uguex notes that there appears to be a conceptual convergence in the following aspects: (a) the use of a non-ruling approach, wherein recommendations have been made for Companies to follow, which have been mandatorily imposed, yet are in practice being followed by many countries (b) the majority of the Board of public companies must be independent and executives of the Company are not deemed to be independent (c) Members of the audit committee must be independent directors and must not receive fees or compensation from the Companies (d) the audit committee makes the decision on the hiring of external auditors and this is subject to the approval of the directors and shareholders.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Trust and Power within Business Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Trust and Power within Business Network - Essay Example It is critical and strategic issue which needs to be dealt very carefully, this element of trust is vital in all kinds of relationships whether it is within the business or with the external stakeholders. It is very hard to make this trust however one mistake can hurt the reputation very badly and create serious consequences for the future of the business. Power is the acquisition of assets and its control which gives dominance to a party over the other. It is to have the control and ability to influence the decision of the other party. Power has its own benefits and draw backs within a business network. Too much or less of it has its own effects. However it has been seen that where there is trust there is less likelihood of power causing any harm to the social or business network (Group H.R., 2000). When we talk about long term success of the business then this success is dependent on the development of positive networks in the industry. Business networks are an opportunity for the owners of the business and the team of employees to improve themselves continuously. They are a collection of companies linked through agreements for business purposes who work together to get over all benefits for the members in doing so they need to make business dealings and work together and invest and divest money Thinking Made Easy, p21, 2009). A company in the business network tends to learn from one another's mistakes and successes and based on that they derive solutions to their own problems. Apart from the business perspective networking helps in social activities and events. It leads to strong bonds and close relationships with the business partner which is good for the business in the long term (Daft, p110, 2001). The relationship must be enduring and permanent in nature. Trust is by all means the most critical and significant factor in enhancing the relationship and strengthening it. This development of trust comes with the passage of time and honesty in business. It may take a long time period to develop but once it is lost one can end up loosing the chances of success of further business with any particular group or team. Countries all around the world have realized the importance of business networking and the role of relationship building, trust and power within a network. Therefore they have been working on this, such as the Australian has developed a Business Network Program (BNP) for the promotion of networks in Australia. The government has granted $24 million for this in order to increase the competitiveness and growth of SMEs (Australian Government business Initiative, 2009). Trust is a valuable asset for a business and leads to competitive advantage over the rival businesses. Where there is trust then more people would like to work with you. It will lead to increased sales, profits and turnover for the business. Trust gives more power to the business and enhances its market position. Trust facilitates the learning process within a network and moderates the effects of power and makes a positive continuation to the network as a whole. In times of global crises a lot of firms are going through losses but in order to counter the current state of the economy businesses do not stop their production. They operate on debt basis and they are able to get the raw

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Corporate Governance in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Dissertation

Corporate Governance in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example ance and the Role of Auditors in the KSA 26 Synthesis of the Review 28 Chapter 3: Methodology 30 Introduction 30 Research Approach 30 Research Design 30 Specification of Variables 31 Hypotheses 33 Sampling Technique 35 Methods and Materials 36 Reliability and Validity 36 Data-Collection Procedure 36 Ethical Considerations 37 Method of Data Analysis 37 Conclusion 38 Chapter 4: Results and Discussion 39 Introduction 39 Results 39 Discussion 60 Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations 65 Conclusions 65 Recommendations 67 List of Tables Table 1. Independent and Dependent Variables 31 Table 2. Demographic Traits 32 Table 3. Research Questions with Corresponding Alternative Hypotheses 33 Table 4. Descriptive statistics: Evaluations of corporate governance (Internal Auditors) 40 Table 5. Descriptive statistics: Facets of the auditor’s role influenced by corporate governance (Internal Auditors) 42 Table 6. T-test: Facets of the auditor’s role influenced by corporate governanc e (Internal Auditors) 43 Table 7a. Coefficient of determination: Evaluations of corporate governance vs. overall success of corporate governance as regards the auditor’s role (Internal Auditors) 44 Table 7b. One-way ANOVA: Evaluations of corporate governance vs. overall success of corporate governance as regards the auditor’s role (Internal Auditors) 45 Table 7c. Beta coefficients: Evaluations of corporate governance vs. overall success of corporate governance to the auditor role (Internal Auditors) 46 Table 8. Descriptive statistics: Evaluations of corporate governance (External Auditors) 47 Table 9. Descriptive statistics: Facets of the auditor’s role influenced by corporate governance (Internal Auditors) 50 Table 10. T-test: Facets of the auditor’s role influenced by corporate governance... Following the major recent scandals involving accountants and their tendency to restate earnings, as well as the collapse of Enron and WorldCom, various calls for reform have been made, particularly in the field of management, external auditing and corporate governance (Brown 2005; Deakin & Konzelmann 2004). Research that delves into the matter at hand has highlighted the importance of the so-called â€Å"corporate governance mosaic†, which generally emphasises the critical role of the interactions among the important parties involved in financial reporting (Ali 1999). Moreover, researchers have given attention to how the corporate governance initiative of organisations significantly affects the processes related to financial reporting and auditing. It has likewise been argued that the auditors, together with the board of directors, must work hand in hand towards the betterment of the auditing process in accordance with the principles of corporate governance (Cohen, Krishnamoo rthy & Wright 2007; Dewing & Russell 2004). Strong corporate governance positively affects the quality of financial reports in a sense that it minimizes the incidence of fraud, fewer restatements and lower earnings of the management (Cohen et al. 2007). The nature and strength with which organisations carry out their initiatives pertaining to corporate governance significantly affect the audit process. Furthermore, actors involved in the advancement of corporate governance initiatives are also likely to be more responsible in ensuring that financial reporting is of high quality (Abbott, Parker & Peters 2004). Finally, it is also through the proper adoption of the principles of corporate governance that auditors are enabled to solve their disputes with clients. The relationship of corporate governance and the role of the auditors has indeed been the subject of many studies (Abbott, Parker & Peters 2004; International Organisations of Securities Commissions). Additionally, researchers who have undertaken studies in relation to the topic have all underscored the fact that the corporate governance system helps in preventing the collapse of corporations. The relationship between the two is also based on the role of auditors in ensuring the quality of the financial reports (Krishnan n.d.). In view of this, this research aims to look into how corporate governance influences the role of the auditors in the context of companies in the KSA.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ethics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethics - Coursework Example Introduction & Background Nursing is a highly critical profession and involves significant ethical implications. These healthcare issues are very complex and require concrete awareness and analytical skills to overcome them effectively. The vitality comes from the fact that the ultimate customer in this profession is a patient whose survival and life depends on quality of healthcare services. Therefore, slight miscalculation and breach of ethical duties might result in deterioration of health and, in extreme cases, death. Practicing nurses must be well trained and knowledgeable in order to perform their obligations efficiently and need to be constantly supervised and mentored to prevent errors and non-compliance. Issues and proposed solutions There are various ethical issues involved in healthcare industry and nursing practice. Caretaking of patients, coming from diversified backgrounds, requires careful consideration of moral implications. Nurses must be fair and unbiased in their d uties, giving equal service to all patients regardless of their financial status, gender or ethnicity. Limited resources must be allocated with professional judgment to each patient according to genuine needs without any personal prejudice. These patients are often not of sound mind or appropriate age during treatment and therefore nurses must protect their rights in decisions they take. If a patient is capable, nurses must provide them complete autonomy to select options for treatment and must respect their choices. Moreover, to support their decisions, nurses must provide them complete information with integrity. This is a major obstacle since revealing about some adverse diagnosis results can be upsetting for nurses and might trigger hostile reactions. During treatment, it is important that healthcare professionals cover the patient’s body properly and avoid unnecessary talks regarding some physical irregularities to avoid discomfort. Additionally, they must respect privac y of medical information pertaining to patients and keep it confidential unless essential to be disclosed for professional opinions. They should take utmost care that they do not discuss any cases of patients outside clinical premises or during informal chats with friends, family, colleagues and other patients (Fry & Johnstone, 2002). Leadership needed to promote change Professional nurses and healthcare professionals must act as catalysts that trigger change and ensure smooth implementation of transition phase. In order to establish a strong ethical framework, they must promote teamwork and engage others in devising ethical policies. Efforts of all professionals must be collaborated and directed towards achievement of ethical compliance. Teams must be formed consisting of staff from different cultures and multiple disciplines in order to support diversified portfolio of patients. A learning environment must be created and strategic objectives and codes of ethics must be made common ly known. All subordinates must be mentored and provided counseling services in stressful situations and interpersonal conflicts. Clinical atmosphere must be instituted which encourages innovation and flexibility and stifles possibilities of errors and disputes. Regular performance appraisals shall be conducted

Strategic Management Accounting for Shareholder Value Maximisation Essay

Strategic Management Accounting for Shareholder Value Maximisation - Essay Example This report presents an insightful study on the concept of shareholder value maximisation and the efforts that are undertaken by management to achieve it. It demonstrates that in an effort to enhance shareholder value the management generally puts behind the importance of serving the interest of other stakeholders like employees, customers, suppliers and society that share a long-term association with the company. However, protection of interests of these stakeholders is important to ensure the maximisation of shareholder value. This report, therefore, concludes that in order to accomplish the objective of shareholder value maximisation in an effective manner, the management should also strive to serve the interests of other stakeholders. Shareholders are the true owners of a company and have ultimate residual claims on its financial assets. Management is responsible to serve the interests of shareholders and engage the efforts of the whole organisation towards the enhancement of val ue for shareholders as well as the other stakeholders that have their interest in the corporation.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ethical Issues Research Assignment Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethical Issues Assignment - Research Paper Example g is an ethical issue in which a struggle between the body and mind would happen and the winner would be either the body (In case the person opts for mercy killing) or the mind (In case the person decided against the mercy killing). Proponents of mercy killing are of the opinion that it is better to assist a person medically to terminate his life, if he is in a hopeless situation. In their opinion, the person who suffers pain and discomforts should have given the right to take decision about sustaining his life in such pathetic condition. Others can cite ethical or moral issues against the mercy killing; but the ultimate sufferer would be the patient only. On the other hand, critics of mercy killing believe that only the creator has the right to take the life back of his creations. They are of the opinion that life is the most important thing in the world. Nobody has so far succeeded in unveiling the miseries about the life. Nobody knows from where we come and where we go after death. No science or technology, so far succeeded in creating an artificial life in a laboratory setup which underlines the importance and value of life on earth. Moreover critics also argue that only the creator has the right to modify or destroy creations and anything against his will would be unethical. As expected, we met strong arguments both in favour and against mercy killing during our research. We found most of the arguments of the proponents and the critics logical and valuable. It was difficult for us to take a position on this issue and our group actively discussed all the major arguments from both the sides in order to make a conclusion. Some of the arguments we found during our research are given below. The article IF MERCY KILLING BECOMES LEG, argued that mercy killing would be misused if it is made legal (IF MERCY KILLING BECOMES LEGAL). The above argument seems to be logical as the antisocial elements can kill innocent people on behalf of mercy killing in order to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Pollution and How It Affects Elements within an Environment Essay Example for Free

Pollution and How It Affects Elements within an Environment Essay The Earth is entirely surrounded by a blanket of air which is called the earth’s atmosphere. The atmosphere allows human, plants, and all the earth’s creatures big and small to exist. The atmosphere protects the earth and without it the heat from the sun would burn all that is exposed to its rays, and we could be frozen by the low temps at night. Gas, particulate matter, odors that have been introduced into the air by mankind or nature can destroy the natural balance, this is pollution. There are Primary pollutants and Secondary pollutants, which we will be covering in this presentation, when pollutants are introduced to/in the air, it travels very easily and spread as well, since we breathe in air, we cannot avoid these toxins or pollutants. The efforts on solutions to the problems regarding pollution has, and will continue to be an issue due to mankind disrespect towards mother-nature. We as human beings breathe in an estimated 20,000 liters of air each day meaning that the more polluted the air is, the more we in hale into our lungs the hazardous chemicals, in London of 1952, â€Å"The Smog Disaster†, claimed the lives of four- thousand people within a few days mainly due to the high levels of concentrations of pollution. In March of 2011, an earthquake in the sea of the coast of Japan also known as a â€Å"Tsunami†, the sea level rose and waters flooded the land damaging four of the six reactors in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which can be located on the BBC website. The biggest lifetime risks were seen in humans exposed were in the infants, compared to children and the adults. Females who exposed to radiation from this incident which was found in a report that a four percent increase above the lifetime expectancy, were at risk of solid tumors and a six percent increase above that said to be expected of breast cancer. Men/male exposed to the radiation as infants were expected to have seven percent increased risk of leukemia above that expected on the normal population. The highest risk was noted in thyroid cancer, as for the infant girls, they were estimated to be up to seventy- percent than expected over a lifetime. † (BBC website: /news/health- 21614722). The World Health Organization (WHO) experts confirmed that there is a slight increased risk of different cancer types for those people who were exposed to the radiation, including people residing in this area and employees of the plant. Air pollutants come in the form of gases, particles, and chemicals released into the air, motor vehicles are a major air pollutant, the use of one full commuter bus is equivalent to forty cars driving through your neighborhood. Vehicle exhaust contributes to roughly sixty-percent of all carbon monoxide emissions (discharge) nationwide, and up to ninety-five percent in the cities. Air pollution may contribute to asthma and allergy by corrupting protective cells in the human body that tones down immune system reactions, the pollution components seem to also increase overactive immune warriors already linked to allergies that actually require no prompting. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are the product of burning of fuel in diesel engines, furnaces, wood fires, wildfires, and barbeque grills. A new study done by researchers found that children exposed to these high levels of PAHs had poor functioning T-regulatory cells (peacekeeper cells), which normally keeps immune –caused inflammation down. Kari Nadeau, a biochemist and physician at Stanford University, held a study on the effect of air pollution and these PAHs, she and some colleagues obtained blood samples, took in lung function readings, and recorded health information from 153 children at the age of four-teen in Fresno, CA. She sampled airborne PAHs to estimate rates of exposure due to Fresno’s high rate of air pollution levels. Kids with a high exposure made higher amounts of Immunoglobulin E and showed low rates of T regulatory cell function than those exposed to lower levels. It is said that air pollution may harm populations in ways so subtle and slow that it may have gone undetected, these reasons research is being done to determine the long-term effects of chronic exposure to low levels of pollution-what some may experience –as well as to determine the interaction between air pollutants in the body, nutrition (physical factor), stress, alcohol, smoking (tobacco), and medicines. It also has been linked to defects in birth, cancer, and genetic mutations. The Montreal Protocol of 1987required that developed nations signing the accord not to exceed 1986 CFC levels. Several more meetings were held from 1990 to 1997 to adopt agreements to hurry the phasing out of ozone-depleting substances. † Pollution is known to cause holes in the ozone layer in the atmosphere above Antarctica and the Artic. Depletion of the ozone layer can increase the amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth, causing damage to crops and plants as well as causing sk in cancer and cataracts.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sex Differences In The Human Brain Psychology Essay

Sex Differences In The Human Brain Psychology Essay For a period of hundreds of years, the dissimilarity between male and female were described and misrepresented that males are supposed to be more superior or be in a higher status than females in which we normally named this discrimination sexism (Michael, 1999). However, in the recent years, men and women had already achieved equality as we now become closer together and thus we became unaware of the important differences between us (Michael). Also, because the goal of achieving balance equality between men and women became close and the unawareness of the society, the mission of discovering what exactly present within a male and female would need a great deal of effort and endurance (Michael). It is known that men and women differ physically in which the dissimilarity are either clear or they are easy to measure and observe (Michael). Some of the examples which can be easily measured are weight, height, size, shape and anatomy (Michael). One of the differences between men and women are for instance, women have neurons which relate the right and left hemisphere of the brain four times more than men (Michael, 1999). Also, females have greater access to both hemisphere of their brain, regardless of that, women still use the right sides of their brain more frequently (Michael). Males on the other hand, are more physically fit and stronger (Michael). They have more strength and muscles can build up easily (Michael). However, the psychological differences between male and female can be harder to understand and describe (Michael). Problems emerge when we think that the opposite sex have to act, think and feel the same as we do due to the deficient in information, education and experiences (Michael). In a published newspaper in Scientific American titled Sex Differences in the Brain by Seymour Levine, who is a neuroendocrinologist in the year of 1966, the understanding of the topic were presented in a pleasant manner in which he only mentioned about the one region in the brain that is important in the whole article, which is the hypothalamus known as the site for regulating hormones and involved in spatial learning (Cahill, 2011). Previously, researchers thought that sex differences in the brain merely means the hypothalamus, steroid hormones and sex behavior, which has got nothing to do with anything else in the brain (Cahill). This misleading observation diminished as more and more evidence arise nowadays proves that the idea before was wrong (Cahill). The process of discovering about the influence of sex on function of neurons have been undergoing in a fast pace in which studies found that every part and level of the brain is affected (Cahill, 2011). According to Dr Pfaff, author of Man and Women: An Inside Story, described that sex differences in the brain is mainly due to the hypothalamus and he later gives several other reasons of sex influence in the brain such as social behavior and aggression, but he failed to take into consideration about the nature of brain functioning influenced by sex (Pfaff, 2002, as cited in Cahill, 2011). In the end, he returns to his statement saying that sex differences in the brain are hypothalamus centered which is incorrect (Pfaff, as cited in Cahill). The level of intelligence, also known as IQ, does not seem to be main factor of sex differences rather than ability (Kimura, 1999). Nevertheless, some researchers for instance, Lynn and Rich from the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland proposed that there are slight intellectual differences between male and female preferring men (Kimura). The meaning of different patterns of intellectual means that each person have different own intellectual strength (Kimura). For instance, some people may be good at utilizing words and some are especially skillful at addressing external stimuli (Kimura). Their individual abilities are different although the intellectual strength is the same (Kimura). Sex differences in the brain had been studied regarding the issue of problem solving. Overall, men tends to be superior in spatial task than women, particularly, when they are asked to imagine an object to be rotating or some other way, men shows an advantage in handling the problem (Kimura, 1999). They are also better at solving problems related to mathematics and in finding a path (Kimura). Although some research support the idea, such as teenage boys in the United States normally perform better than girls on science and mathematics test, however, this is not true for boys in Thailand and Iceland where usually teenage girls outperform boys in an mathematics exam held internationally, making the statement of boys perform better in mathematics than girls inappropriate (Eliot, 2009). Thus, according to Cordelia Fine, superiority in mathematics and science are not genetically determined in our brain or fixed, but are due to upbringing, education, or they are inhibited by the society (F ine, 2010). Women, on the opposite, outperform men in memorizing or remembering word, have an advantage in identifying items that match quickly and doing manual test such as putting marbles or pegs in proper holes (Kimura, 1999). In spite of that, Maccoby and Jacklin from Stanford University argued that it is still an incomplete picture to say that spatial task favour males and verbal task favour females (Jacklin Maccoby, 1974). There was evidence showing that the advantage of spatial task for male does not apply to certain spatial tasks, and that womens advantage in verbal task was including many memory required work which are definitely not verbal (Cahill, 2011). Also, there are possibilities that females are able to outperform males when they are exposed to extra androgens prior to birth or newborn, a genetic deficiency known as congenital adrenal hyperplasia (Kimura, 1999). In this case, ability of CAH-affected girls to do well in spatial task increases compared to normal unaffected girls ( Kimura). Another exception shown by Elizabeth Hampson from the University of Western Ontario is that females perform some task differently throughout their menstrual period because the estrogen level becomes inconsistent and thus will affect their ability in doing the task (Kimura). Recently, a group of researchers from National Institutes of Health (NIH), have come up with a surprising new report saying that sex differences in the brain decreases as age increases in which the subjects of the research consist of a group of children whose age ranging from 9 through 22 (Sax, 2007). To say it in another way, they discover that when females and males encounter puberty, where the level of steroid hormones such as estradiol in female and testosterone in male begin to increase, the sex differences in the brain diminish (Sax). Even so, some researchers like Leonard Sax, author of Boys Adrift and Girls on the Edge think that the finding is a common-sense expectation (Sax). Other researchers or authors such as Cordelia Fine and Lise Eliot also think that although sex differences prior to birth are insignificant because they have different education and lifestyles depending on the culture of the society (Sax). Sex differences in the brain do not diminish over age, but increases as we grow older when the onset of puberty starts (Sax, 2007). The latter finding seems to be more reliable to many of the researchers (Sax). To give a more clearer view, an example is to compare boys and girls both at the age of six years old, they tend to behave differently in which usually boys attention span is much weaker compared to girls of the same age (Sax). On the other hand, compare a mature old man and women both at the age of 40 years old, there wouldnt be any differences, they are able to keep quiet and sit still as women do (Sax). Another researcher named Fausto-Stirling, who focuses studies regarding this, also think that if there are any sex differences in the brain, it is only present after birth during puberty (Sterling, 1992). Thus, the finding of sex differences diminishes as age increases are said to be counter-intuitive (Sax). Brain development does not stop after birth, but instead goes on for a long time, that is where the field of social cognition comes into action to look for sex differences in our brain (Eliot, 2009). At the early stage of sex differences it is said to be congenital and development of our individual behavior depends on either gene expression or being exposed to certain hormone prenatally (Eliot). Regardless of that, behavioral development can be shaped from a young age by training, social learning, culture and various lifestyle that each one of us would encounter in every society (Eliot). To illustrate the idea of congenitally programmed, Jessica Woods, Peg Nopoulos and Vesna Murko carried out an experiment with young adults from 7 to 17 years old which the same section in frontal lobe of the children are measured (Eliot). The outcome was surprisingly different from previous research they have done where the size of straight gyrus, an area in the cortex, is unexpectedly bigger in boys , in which the reversal of adulthood and childhood cogitate the maturation of boys brain in later part of their life (Eliot). They are the few neuroscientists to examine male and female brain differences not only in biological sex but in terms of gender type (Eliot). Woods and colleagues argue about the suggestion that sex differences in the brain are because of Y chromosome despite having no prove that the causes of brain differences depends on social learning (Eliot). In the past few years, there were a lot of new technology created to better examine the human brains activity, for instance positron emission tomography, PET and functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI (Kimura, 1999). These new techniques enable us to solve problems regarding brains activity, provides more detail and information about how our brain function (Kimura). The outcome until now was interesting but there were times when disagreement happens because of the results (Kimura). A number of studies done shown that the activity between both side of the brain of male are greater than female when performing task involving language, for example, identifying rhyme of words (Kimura). However, some other research could not find out the asymmetry function for sex differences in human brain (Kimura). It may be due to different language tasks given in various researches possibly because the brain system acts for certain language tasks only but not others (Kimura). Perhaps limitation ex ist because the new techniques are too complicated which leads to different results, because it is difficult for it to correctly measure what exactly is happening in the brain as the activity in our brain are very complex (Kimura). In a nutshell, there have been many critics and arguments about the study of sex differences in the brain (Bland, 2003). One of it is that the research subject for most of the studies are mainly focusing on male only, this in returns affect and limit our understanding of brain differences for the opposite sex because the research are based with one sex only (Beery Zucker, 2010). Therefore, the research of sex differences in the brain should now put more attention in female perspective (Beery Zucker). Moreover, there are certain brain disorders that affect one sex more frequently than another or there may be more protected from the disease compared to the opposite sex (Arnold, Ball, Blaustein, De Vries and McCarthy, 2012). Thus, in this situation, it would bring benefit to us if researcher could identify the problem and come up with a solution for instance, create drugs or treatment for specific sex to be protected against these diseases (Arnold et al., 2012). There is no doubt that the whole debate about sex differences in the brain will continue to be studied for a long time (Bland). Different researcher would have different opinion and thinking, it is just the matter of how they explain the outcome in their own way (Bland).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

What is Knowledge? Philosophy Essay

What is Knowledge? Philosophy Essay What is truth? What is knowledge? These seemingly simple questions lie at the heart of philosophys oldest debates. They have generated numerous theories, revealed issues of perception, cognition and certainty and they occupy philosophers today just as they did thousands of years ago: While our records on the topic go back as far as half a millennium B.C., important works on truth have been published as recently as 2009 (by Michael Lynch, on pluralism see David [2009]). The first part of this essay covers the topics of beliefs and truth and puts an emphasis on a defense of a correspondentist conception of truth, while the second part moves on to a discussion of knowledge based the thesis that knowledge is objective, and can be defined as justified true belief based on sufficient evidence. This paper is thus an argumentative paper, striving to defend the opinion of the author by engaging in a philosophical discussion. I. Truth Truth is a concept that, as established above, has numerous theories that established their own definitions and criteria to determine whether a truthbearer a statement, claim, belief etc. that can be true or false is indeed true. I will here focus on neo-classical theories of truth, as they attempt to address the question of what truth is most directly, and since they still serve as a foundation of much of the more recent debates on truth. I will thus leave aside theories such as Pluralism, Deflationism, and numerous other theories, while my focus lies on Correspondent, Pragmatic and Coherence theories of truth. The Correspondent Theory of Truth sees the nature of truth in its correspondence to reality. A statement is considered true if it describes the way things actually are (Russell, 1956). [EXAMPLE]. It is usually considered to presume some sort of realist framework that holds that there is such a thing as a reality outside of our minds, and that we are able to find some sort of relationship to that reality so that we can verify whether a claim is true or not. However, Kirkham (1992) holds that it would also be possible for correspondent theories to break with realism, for example by referring to facts of a world that exists rather in the mind of some superior entity rather than reality. For the sake of simplicity I will here assume correspondentist theories to adhere to ontological realism. The correspondent theory of truth has two prominent competitors and epistemic theories of truth, which I shall now illuminate. First; the coherence theory of truth defines the nature of truth as coherence of a belief to a set or system of established beliefs. This includes the possibility for a truth to become apparent if it is merely entailed by an established belief in the system. Thus, the system of established beliefs is not only a tool to verify the truth of a belief it is the source of the truth. (Glanzberg, 2006). Coherentism rejects the idea that we can access reality to verify our beliefs it is hence related to idealism. Idealists maintain that experience essentially originates in mental activity. Thus, the notion that a set of beliefs describes the world as it is comes naturally to idealists (Glanzberg). [EXAMPLE] Second; the pragmatist theory of truth proposes that whether a belief is true or not depends on the outcome of actions guided by that belief. Truth is thus determined by its practical value (Glanzberg, 2006). Even though the pragmatist theory of truth deserves a richer account, I will not engage with it much further for the sake of conciseness and because it falls prey to two important accusations. On the one hand, a false belief can also turn out to be true based on luck or different causational relationships than assumed. On the other hand, pragmatism does not allow us to make predictions of the future, since it reduces the definition of truth to beliefs of the past that have been confirmed by their outcome. The usefulness of a pragmatist account of truth is thus limited, both for philosophical study as well as the general scientific enquiry to generate truth. II. Belief and Knowledge The word belief in everyday language refers to a claim that we are certain of in varying degrees, that we have evidence for in varying degrees and that may or may not be true. We speak of belief when a young child strongly believes in Sinterklaas, just as we speak of belief when a person vaguely believes that she will receive a fine when parking her car in central Maastricht without a parking ticket. While both cases have varying certainty and varying likeliness to be true, we do not explicitly distinguish to what extent the belief is certain, backed by evidence or whether it is actually true. In philosophy it is specified what kind of belief is referred to. Further, a claim is only called a belief when its holder is certain of it; this means that hope and faith can be excluded from this definition of belief (Creel, 2001). Hereinafter I shall elaborate on three different kinds of belief and how they relate to knowledge in the realist framework. First, a belief based on evidence is closer to being knowledge than a belief without evidence. However, there are many beliefs that are false, despite being backed by some evidence. Surely the child believing in Sinterklaas has some evidence, such as having seen an actor dressed in the Sinterklaas costume, yet her belief is false. Second, let us assume the belief is true and backed by evidence. It can constitute knowledge, but the evidence on which it is based could too weak to conclude that true, evidence based beliefs are knowledge (Creel). Third, the evidence criterion is specified to exclude the possibility of weak evidence the evidence needs to be so strong, that the belief is justified. Is then a belief knowledge, when it can be said to be justified and true? This is where opinions diverge. Creel states that according to the justification theory of knowledge, the justification of a claim needs to be conclusive to be called knowledge. Steup (2006) claims that for a long time a justified true belief (JTB) has been the standard account of knowledge. Both are closely related, and both have been challenged 1963 by Edmund Gettier.

Essay About Family: My Fathers Illness :: Family Relationships Sickness Papers

My Father's Illness As a child, life was great for me. I spent my days being a hyperactive boy, running around and causing general chaos on my two sisters, Kelly and Libby. The world I lived in was a stress free world, I had not had many difficult experiences growing up. Life was beautiful for me, until a tragedy struck my family. My life got stressful on first day of second grade. I remember getting off the bus, eager to tell my parents all about what it felt like to be in second grade. As I walked in the door, I could feel that something was wrong. It was something in the air, a depressing mood. Instead of being greeted by a house of warm response, it was silent. I shouted for my parents and searched around, finally finding them in their bedroom. As I walked in to their bedroom, I found my mother sitting on the bed, weeping quietly, while my father lay on the bed in a near unconscious state. This sight shocked me, I had seen my father sick before, but by the reaction of my mother and the deathly look on my father’s face I knew that something was seriously wrong. My father's eyes opened, and he called out for my sister Kelly and I to come to him. In a very serious and sad voice, he told us that he was very sick, and he was going to the Fort Wayne hospital. My mother told Kelly and I to help her pack some things for him, because he was going to be leaving soon. We helped her pack, keeping quiet because we did not want to interrupt the silence that had taken over the room. A family friend, Rose Widmer, came over as my mom and dad were getting ready to leave. She would be staying with us because it looked like they would not be coming home that night. As Kelly and I were eating our supper, my mom came into the kitchen and sat down beside me. She explained to us that our dad was very sick, and that he was having trouble with his brain. She used the term "brain abscess." She said that this is what the doctors speculated was wrong with him, but they needed to go to Fort Wayne to take precautions. Essay About Family: My Father's Illness :: Family Relationships Sickness Papers My Father's Illness As a child, life was great for me. I spent my days being a hyperactive boy, running around and causing general chaos on my two sisters, Kelly and Libby. The world I lived in was a stress free world, I had not had many difficult experiences growing up. Life was beautiful for me, until a tragedy struck my family. My life got stressful on first day of second grade. I remember getting off the bus, eager to tell my parents all about what it felt like to be in second grade. As I walked in the door, I could feel that something was wrong. It was something in the air, a depressing mood. Instead of being greeted by a house of warm response, it was silent. I shouted for my parents and searched around, finally finding them in their bedroom. As I walked in to their bedroom, I found my mother sitting on the bed, weeping quietly, while my father lay on the bed in a near unconscious state. This sight shocked me, I had seen my father sick before, but by the reaction of my mother and the deathly look on my father’s face I knew that something was seriously wrong. My father's eyes opened, and he called out for my sister Kelly and I to come to him. In a very serious and sad voice, he told us that he was very sick, and he was going to the Fort Wayne hospital. My mother told Kelly and I to help her pack some things for him, because he was going to be leaving soon. We helped her pack, keeping quiet because we did not want to interrupt the silence that had taken over the room. A family friend, Rose Widmer, came over as my mom and dad were getting ready to leave. She would be staying with us because it looked like they would not be coming home that night. As Kelly and I were eating our supper, my mom came into the kitchen and sat down beside me. She explained to us that our dad was very sick, and that he was having trouble with his brain. She used the term "brain abscess." She said that this is what the doctors speculated was wrong with him, but they needed to go to Fort Wayne to take precautions.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) Essay -- ADHD ADD Parent

Parenting is something that no-one person is an expert and that no expert can tell you how to do it. If a person’s child is an absolute angel, does nothing wrong, and gets straight A’s; parenting still is difficult. When a child has a disorder such as ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactive disorder), the child needs much more from the parent than most parents bargain for. Parenting roles for a child with ADHD change greatly; from the time that a parent needs to spend helping the child tie their shoe, or taking the child out for a run in the park. ADHD is not a very easy concept to define, that being because there is no medical proof that the disorder exists. There is no test or questionnaire a child can take to prove that he/she is suffering from this disorder. â€Å"There are no objective diagnostic criteria for ADHD – no physical symptoms, no neurobiological signs, and no blood test. Despite claims to the contrary, there are no brain scans findings and no biochem ical imbalances. No physical test can be done to verify that a child has ADHD†(Breggin 144). A child taking drugs that suffers from ADHD has many side affects that come along with it. Side affects that a parents needs to be aware of, and educated about so they can be taken care of the right way. Over the past 10-20 years, the use of Ritalin in this country has jumped to extreme levels. It is odd to think that maybe it is not advancements in testing for this disorder, or a question of being able to solve a problem that cannot be solved. It is that parents don’t have the time or the effort to spend with their children. The age is approaching when women will be as independent financially as men are. It has forever been accustomed for women to stay at home and care for the children of a family. Now there are women who want to establish their careers, but it is impossible for them to do that with a child to take care of. A parent with an ADHD child must altar their normal wa y of parenting, even if the parent had previous kids that were normal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A question that is frequently asked and is yet, almost impossible to answer is, â€Å"what is ADHD?† â€Å"Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neuropsychological impairment experienced by some 2 million children-3 to 5% of the school-age population.†(Seagal 263) The symptoms that exist with ADHD vary from day to day and from situation to situation. Some symptoms a... ...lem quickly. Thinking about what the fast food is doing for your health, much as thinking about what Ritalin is doing for your child, it is rarely thought about. Yet, eating fast food quick fixes your hunger, just like Ritalin quick fixes your child’s problems at school.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ADHD is a very difficult and confusing disorder to deal with when it comes to your children. It is hard to establish is looking out a window or active behavior is just natural for your child, or if your child has a problem. Many drugs can help a child settle down and concentrate better. These drugs should be used for a temporary purpose only; where the goal is to be able to function properly without taking them. Parents and children all have a difficult time dealing with ADHD. It takes time and a lot of hard work between the child and the parents. â€Å"While parenting is the hardest job of them all, there’s no hope for our children unless parents retake responsibility from the â€Å"experts† and determine for themselves to take the most sensible, effective, and loving approach to their children. We may seek professional guidance but we must never relinquish parental intuition, common sense, or love.†(Breggin 288)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How one learns best Essay

The way I learn best is from observation and a little explanation. I mainly prefer to find things out for myself rather than have it told to me. This allows me to have more of a connection with what I have learned. When I learn something I like to learn it properly and fully. I like to learn it from all perspectives, so I can truly understand things â€Å"from the inside† as Van de Lagemaat nicely puts it. I dislike having a serious conversation with narrow minded people. It disgusts me to see people blindly supporting their own view and reject everything that contradicts their ideas, without even giving it a single thought. It is natural thought because it is part of human nature to have this type of mentality when only â€Å"my view† is the right one. Once humans learn to view things in other people’s shoes, they will start to view the world in a different way. I believe that human nature is basically wild. Society we are living in covers up our wild side but at some points this side is exposed. I enjoy reading during my free time. But to have a book forced on me slightly puts me off reading it. There are certain exceptions where the book fits my likings, but over the year, they have been an odd occurrence. To have an assignment on a novel that is devoid of interesting ideas and information is almost painful. I would very much welcome flexibility with deadlines. With sport practice and extra-curricular activities, some extra time would be truly appreciated. I would also welcome teachers to always point out my mistakes and make a big deal of them. This way it can stick in my mind and I won’t forget it as easily. I always like to see my teacher be very active in class bring up class discussions and stating his/her opinion on things. For me to entirely succeed I would need to change certain things about myself. Most of which I have already started to do, such as my organizational skills. Other aspects I should improve upon are my concentration skills. I sometimes find it hard to focus on any given subject when there are distractions present.

Explain the Sequence and Rate of Each Aspect of Development That Would Normally Be Expected in Children and Young People from Birth to 19 Years Old?

Name Mickala Date of protrude 27. 03. 13 Assessor Shahnaz Scully Qualification take aim 5 Diploma Management bridle-path Units Assessment & Feedback Plan Hello Mickala MU5. This throw volition guide you finished this unit of measurement which I am sure will expand on your existing association and Understand children and understanding of how children and little pack develop between the ages of birth to 19 years. Within this vernal persons growingunit you will withal be looking the actions you should take if in that respect are departures, and also what the potential face-to-face effects of transitions could be on childrens ontogenesis. This is a knowledge based unit and thusly I suggest that you employment a variety of research material so that you are able to address the sagaciousness criteria for this unit. A good starting summit will be the LASER lessons which let in activities and suitable reading material if you deal to reinforce your teaching and to gain plain knowledge. develop the sequence and roam of each aspect of growing that would normally be expected in children and materialisation plenty from birth -19years. (chart attached) Explain antithetical theories (for character cognitive, sychoanalytic, humanist, social learning, operant conditioning, and behaviourist) and frameworks including social instruction that support the development of MU52. 11 children and offspring mass. MU53. 11 Explain the potential concussion on your provision of dissimilar theories, approaches and frameworks and how they crook current figure.Give examples please of how these are employ in your move. MU53. 12 Critically dismantle the move towards outcome based function for children and young people. MU53. 13 analyze the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the distinction is important. Analyse the reasons why children and young peoples develo pment may not practise the pattern normally expected. Analyse how children and young peoples development is influenced by a betray of personal factors which involve health status, disability, sensory impairment and learning difficulties. Analyse how children and young peoples development is influenced by a range of external factors including poverty and deprivation, family environment and background, personal choices, looked after/care status and statement Analyse the greatness of early acknowledgment of development delay MU52. 23 Explain the potential risks of late recognition of development delay. Can you give any examples from your practice? Evaluate how multi agency teams work unitedly to support all aspect of development in children and young people. Again if you form had any experience of this please use it in your evidence Explain how routine and leisure activities can be apply to support all aspects of development of children and MU52. 12 young people. enchant give examples from your setting. Explain how unalike types of transitions can affect children and young peoples development. Again please economize about how you deal with transitions in your setting to add to your evidence. MU52. 13 Explain the impressiveness of children and young people having positive relationships through periods of transition. Evaluate the effectiveness of positive relationships on children and young peoples development MU52. 21 Explain different methods of assessing, save and monitoring children and young peoples development. The methods include assessment frameworks, observation, standard measurements and development from carers and colleagues. MU52. 2 Explain how and in what quite a little different methods are used for assessing, recording and monitoring children and young peoples development in the work setting. Please include as many different methods as you can. MU5 2. 31 Explain how different types of interventions can promote positive outcomes for children and young people where development is not interest the pattern normally expected. Evaluate the importance of accurate documentation regarding the development of children and young people MU52. 32 Submission succession 15. 04. 13 Best wishes, MU52. 3 Shahnaz 07920 427 284 MU52. 34 MU52. 41 MU52. 2 MU52. 43 MU52. 1 MU52. 52 MU52. 53 MU52. 54